Radio deejays and mall speakers start blasting Christmas carols earlier every year. Everyone loves these songs because they express the joys and delights of the season. But if we start the merriment too early, we risk missing the depths and riches of Advent — the yearning, expectancy, and ache.

Remember when you were a kid, staring longingly at the presents under the tree, having to wait what seemed like forever till Christmas? The agony! But it made your gifts all the more exciting and wonderful when you finally opened them on Christmas morning. The expectancy enhanced the delight

Advent and Christmas are like that. The expectancy of Advent is fulfilled in the joys of Christmas. The joys of Christmas are more rich, more delightful because we have prepared our hearts during Advent.

Let your musical choices reflect the different seasons. During Advent, focus on hymns and other songs that express our hope and longing for Christ’s arriving.

Advent 24

Our curated playlist of songs for Advent

O Antiphons

Ancient liturgy for the final days of Advent


[Banner image: Kings College Chapel, image credit]